Tokyo and Seoul Clash Over Abandoned Gold Mines
21 July 2024
At Cranganore, our communications activities are general in scope and dimension. We offer those who track us regularly an opportunity to learn from the breadth of our expertise, while we explore fresh ideas with the professional community. Most of these channels are available at no cost.
Why not read our periodic corporate bulletin? These email dispatches are infrequent to maintain a healthy respect for your inbox. Based on current practices, you could receive six-to-eight emails a year. We typically send out an annual update, selected market commentaries, summaries of white papers, and top-line notifications about deal flow. You might get an e-card on New Year’s Day.
Cranganore offers uncommon views on worldwide economic and commercial trends. Graze Today is distributed regularly across six continents to executives and entrepreneurs. Our outlook covers an array of issues, reaching past Wall Street drivel. You benefit from timely thoughts on headline market events. We gain from feedback that you may provide by return email.
Our newsletter is interdisciplinary. At this time, we do not publish a dedicated hospitality-centered bulletin.
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Our audio program is Market Anvil. We draw monthly from a deep bench of experts on asset classes and economic issues to offer penetrating insight for global investors. Our efforts align with demands for a strategy podcast from colleagues around the world. In early planning sessions, we tagged over 70 subjects. Ideas range from oil-market upheaval to space-commerce trends.
You can track Cranganore on social media. We offer top-line thoughts on how everyday newsflow coalesces with a selection of portfolio themes. Adding complexion, our managing director publishes selected long-form writings here. You may discover a business-related book review from time-to-time. We value your encouragement as we build our global relationship base.
We loosely manage a professional group Travel Investment Network on LinkedIn. Joining this online forum may be of interest to you. Our goal is to offer trend-laden discussion for specialists and generalists alike. In our experience, the groups feature may be an undervalued social-media asset for those seeking networking opportunities.
We appreciate myriad voices across the global marketplace, but the best voices belong to our clients. We work closely with qualified names, avoiding the temptation to scale, replicate, and overbook activities. Our best work finds its home in one-of-a-kind challenges, working in tandem with senior executives. We are comfortable with either small firms or multinational enterprises.
Read the fine print. Cranganore operates worldwide. However, the company cannot offer all services in every jurisdiction or to all businesses. We may act in concert with locally-regulated entities in some cases.
Banner shows lifeguard station at Miami Beach. Credit: CPO at Adobe Stock.