Tokyo and Seoul Clash Over Abandoned Gold Mines
21 July 2024
Island risk is less of a problem for Chinese investors, than traditional Western names. One reason may be their limited legacy exposure to Caribbean deals. Hong Kong-based Chow Tai Fook Enterprises just committed an undisclosed sum, likely in the billions, to buy the still-unopened Baha Mar. The Bahamian resort is the largest in the region. Another Chinese name is behind the $2.6 billion Pearl of the Caribbean development in St. Lucia. And Beijing has now completed a $730 million highway in Jamaica to link Kingston with the resort area of Ocho Rios; related hotel projects are in the planning stages. The message may be that sub-prime can be enormously profitable. As a sign of investor confidence, there is only limited Sino-Caribbean travel connectivity at this time. Air China flies thrice-weekly between Beijing and Havana. ■
Learn more at the Bahamas Tribune
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